DISTRICT 4 Press Releases
Council Adopts Motion To Assess Tenant Anti-Harassment Ordinance And Explore City Enforcement
For Immediate Release: February 23, 2022
LOS ANGELES — Yesterday, Councilmember Nithya Raman’s motion requiring a report about the effectiveness of the Tenant Anti-Harassment Ordinance that went into effect last June, passed in full Council. The legislation instructs the Los Angeles Housing Department (LAHD), with the assistance of the City Administrative Officer (CAO), the Chief Legislative Analyst (CLA), and the City Attorney, to report back with data and metrics the Council may utilize to assess the effectiveness of the Ordinance, including the number of cases filed by private attorneys and the City Attorney that include the Ordinance as a cause of action, the number of complaints made to LAHD regarding landlord harassment, and the demographics of tenants who lodge complaints.
The motion also instructs the City to explore implementing its own tenant anti-harassment enforcement program, similar to those already in place in a number of other California cities, such as San Francisco and Santa Monica. Per an amendment introduced by Council President Nury Martinez, LAHD and the City Attorney, with the assistance of the CAO, will include recommendations on the resources necessary to create permanent City staff positions to monitor and enforce the Tenant Anti-Harassment Ordinance.
The City’s Tenant Anti-Harassment Ordinance was designed to prevent renters from facing harassment by landlords. Yet, even after its passing, lawyers working on housing issues and tenants’ organizations report that harassment is still commonplace.
To ensure that the Ordinance fulfills its intended purpose to protect vulnerable tenants, the City needs data on the types of cases being brought under the Ordinance and which tenants are able to make use of its protections. The City also needs to analyze whether it can do more to stop or prevent harassment.
“Ultimately, the Tenant Anti-Harassment Ordinance cannot be determined a success until it actually proves effective in protecting tenants, especially tenants from the most vulnerable segments of our communities,” said Councilmember Raman. “We have an obligation to ensure its purpose is carried out across Los Angeles, and this report will help us to do that.”
“Tenant harassment continues to be an issue in the City of Los Angeles. From intimidation tactics to refusal to do repairs – all of which with the goal of encouraging tenants to leave,” said Council President Martinez. “Angelenos deserve to feel safe in their homes and we must create permanent staff positions to track and enforce our ordinance to protect our renters.”