Council District 4 and the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) are working together with local community groups to survey local Encino Hills residents on issues pertaining to traffic volume and speed and to propose attainable solutions.

Regarding increased traffic volume from commuters cutting through the neighborhood, LADOT can take steps to attempt to reduce some of the traffic volume on Hayvenhurst/Calneva while acknowledging its role as a “Collector” route (2,000–10,000 vehicles per day). Additional efforts could include attempts to reduce traffic volume on local streets that lead to Hayvenhurst/Calneva, and to Sepulveda.

Regarding concerns about speeding and unsafe driving, potential solutions include adding select features to slow traffic on local streets like speed humps/tables, gateway treatments (similar to those at Escalon Dr/Hayvenhurst), medians, and other treatments.

After the completion of a digital survey on March 1, 2024, LADOT has conducted initial traffic counts in the area and will use the results of the survey as well as data and observations from the field to inform the proposal of a suite of traffic volume and traffic speed calming features in the Encino Hills area. These will then be installed and evaluated over six months in a “tactical trial” model which will include another survey and outreach element, before recommending additions, removals, or alterations.

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