For Immediate Release: August 15, 2024

Los Angeles — Yesterday, the Office of Councilmember Nithya Raman in partnership with the Office of Congressman Brad Sherman and the Department of Recreation and Parks hosted a groundbreaking and check presentation ceremony to announce the final $3 million in funding for the upcoming refurbishment of the Studio City Recreation Center. 

The Studio City Recreation Center, locally known as Beeman Park, has been a staple of the Studio City community for over 70 years. Originally built in 1952, the current gymnasium has long been overdue for an upgrade. With funding secured from various sources including a $3 million HUD-CPF Grant provided by a Federal earmark obtained by the Office of Congressman Brad Sherman, that upgrade is now moving forward as a Prop K project. The existing gymnasium will be torn down and transformed into a state of the art recreation center featuring a new gymnasium and community center, built to serve the local neighborhood. Construction for the new center is slated to begin in early September. 

“I am so proud to see this project over the finish line and break ground on what will become a new and modern gymnasium and community center in Studio City,” said Councilmember Nithya Raman. “I have attended many childrens’ birthday parties here and know just how important regional resources like Beeman Park are for the community. With this long overdue upgrade of the rec center, we are building a beautiful new facility for our children to enjoy space to play, sports programs to thrive, and people of all ages to come together and enjoy the outdoors. This project is not just an asset for the surrounding neighborhood, but for the city at large, and I am so grateful to all of our partners who helped us get here.”

“Now more than ever, neighbors should have more places to be able to come together and foster a stronger, healthier, and more connected neighborhood,” said Congressman Brad Sherman. “That’s why I’m proud to have secured this investment that will help modernize this facility into a vibrant communal hub, providing recreational and community services for all ages.” 

“L.A.’s parks and recreation centers are vital spaces for our communities to play, exercise and connect,” said Mayor Karen Bass. “We must keep investing in these spaces. Thank you to Concilmember Raman for moving this project forward, to Congressman Sherman for his federal support, and to our City departments for their work in getting us ready for this groundbreaking.”

“This is personal to me,” said Council President Paul Krekorian, whose district included the park until 2021. “This has been my family’s park since my kids were very small. This building was in need of replacement years before I ever served on the Council, but there were budget shortfalls. I’m glad that one of the last things I was able to do as Budget and Finance Chair was set aside $80 million to address the backlog of deferred maintenance for projects like this across the city that are making our communities better for all Angelenos”

“We are excited to break ground on this project and provide a new top-notch recreational facility to enhance services and programs for Studio City youth and families,” said Jimmy Kim, General Manager, Los Angeles Recreation and Parks Department. “This project underscores our commitment to providing Angelenos with world-class parks and facilities to build stronger and more healthier communities.”

“This project is allowing the City to do something we don’t always get to do,” said Steven Fierce, Engineering’s Architecture Division Manager. “We are able to take down an antiquated structure and replace it with one that not only meets the many community and recreational needs of the residents, but that also utilizes the highest level of sustainable, renewable design. We can’t wait to celebrate the completion of this project with everyone who worked so hard to make this possible.”
