DISTRICT 4 Press Releases
Council Adopts Legislation To Address Hollywood Sign Tourism Impacts for Hollywood Hills Residents
For Immediate Release: August 22, 2023
LOS ANGELES — Today, the Los Angeles City Council unanimously voted to adopt two motions introduced by Councilmember Nithya Raman to address long standing impacts of Hollywood Sign tourism on neighboring residents. With vacation travel rebounding dramatically after years of hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Councilmember Raman’s legislation addresses safety concerns and the increasing strain on Hollywood Hills infrastructure from visitors driving on narrow residential streets to get up-close views of the Hollywood Sign. The motions adopted today are part of a greater legislative package introduced in June of this year.
“One of the City’s most well-known landmarks – really the very symbol of Los Angeles itself – the Hollywood Sign, is also one of our most most visited destinations not just in Council District 4 but in all of Los Angeles,” said Councilmember Raman. “Despite relying on the Hollywood Sign to attract tourists to the City, we have not invested in sufficient infrastructure in the hills to enhance visitors’ experience and ensure the safety of neighboring residents. The improvements put forth in these two motions would improve pedestrian and driver safety, mitigate disruptions to residents, and enable us to have a neighborhood that both reaps the economic benefits of tourism, while making sure that the residents who live in the area are cared for and protected.”
The first motion adopted by Council asks for the Bureau of Engineering to evaluate options to permanently replace temporary fencing erected several years ago at the end of Mulholland Highway above Lake Hollywood Park. The fencing is designed to obstruct views of the sign thereby reducing the number of cars that stop and back up a key roadway residents use to access their homes. New permanent fencing would provide an attractive alternative as well as additional space for people to walk on a safer side path out of the street.
The second motion requests BOE to consider installing a traffic roundabout at the intersection of Mulholland Highway and Canyon Lake Drive in what has become a popular vista for the Hollywood Sign. The current roadway is difficult to navigate and causes traffic to back up during peak tourist days. Councilmember Raman’s legislation asks BOE to report back on opportunities to make significant improvements to the public right of way including roadway, sidewalks, and loading areas, to more effectively handle car traffic and vehicle throughput to address safety concerns related to evacuation and congestion.