Dear friend,

Last week, Angelenos were horrified by images of two abandoned mansions covered in graffiti and repeatedly trespassed and vandalized in the Hollywood Hills. These properties – both owned by the same individual – pose a public safety issue with serious consequences for both neighbors and the surrounding community.

Our office has actually been involved with these abandoned properties for two years. In response to issues raised by community members about trespassers at the sites, we ensured that the Department of Building and Safety (DBS) issued abatement orders at both houses – in 2022 for the Mulholland Drive property and in August 2023 for the Sunset Plaza Drive property. When the property owner failed to comply with the abatement orders, DBS secured the Mulholland property with fencing and the City Council issued a tax lien to cover the costs for the work. Last week, the fence was breached and the property was vandalized once again. Our earlier work on the site allowed us to more quickly respond to the new challenges: DBS has already fenced the site again, removed debris and vandalism, and cleared brush. 

I am pleased to report that earlier this week – after two years attempting to make contact – an attorney representing the property owner reached out to our office to notify us that he will be taking accountability for the two abandoned Hollywood Hills mansions and taking responsibility for all payments the City has incurred thus far. The owner has since issued a letter of apology to neighbors and is working to secure both properties and clean them up, with the intent to sell as quickly as possible. The owner has also hired contractors to repaint both properties, which should be completed within the next few days, and is funding 24/7 security at both sites. 

Unfortunately this is not a unique case: abandoned buildings are a pervasive issue for the city. While the Department of Building and Safety has the authority to secure vacant properties if an owner fails to do so, it simply does not have the resources to keep up with enforcement. The City also has the authority to demolish vacant or abandoned properties if they are found to constitute a public nuisance, but the protocols currently in use rely on procedures and legal guidance that are more than twenty years old and that are not responsive to the current needs on the ground, when we have so many abandoned properties and so few city staff to follow up on problem properties. 

I introduced a motion last year to proactively address this issue and shorten the timeline for securing and declaring an abandoned building a public nuisance for the purpose of its demolition. My legislation asked DBS, with the assistance of the City Attorney’s Office, the Planning Department, and other relevant offices, to provide a report with recommendations including a description of staffing increases necessary to conduct building inspections more efficiently and resolve cases more expeditiously, and an identification of which parts of the public nuisance determination process may be expedited or streamlined. We are impatiently awaiting that report back! 

My office will continue to be in close contact with DBS and LAPD to monitor the Hollywood Hills properties in the coming days and weeks, and we will work to ensure that the property owner continues to take full responsibility for properly securing these sites. 

With hope, 

Be sure to join us this evening at our LGBTQ+ Inclusive Family Night!

In partnership with L.A. City Golf, we’re hosting an LGBTQ+ Inclusive Family Movie Night at the Wilson & Harding Golf Course in Griffith Park TONIGHT at 7PM! 

The event aims to create a joyful space for nontraditional families and community members, celebrating authenticity and inclusivity. The featured film will be Disney’s “Luca,” a heartwarming story of friendship, acceptance, and the magic of different identities. Families will have the opportunity to enjoy refreshments, popcorn, activities, and community booths from other LGBTQ+ and allied community partners and organizations, including BabyGay and the Los Angeles Public Library. 

  • DATE: TONIGHT Friday, September 27
  • TIME: 7PM
  • LOCATION: Wilson & Harding Golf Course, 5500 Griffith Park Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90027

I. Updates From City Hall — Welcoming A New Council President, Expanding An Unarmed Model Of Crisis Response City-Wide, Protecting Tenants Against Harassment

II. In The District — Getting #ReadyCD4 At Our Wildfire Safety Fair, Inaugurating LA’s First Climate Week With The Sierra Club, Celebrating the graduating class of the L.A. County Entrepreneurship Academy, Unveiling New Sign Commemorating “Disney Bros Square” In Los Feliz, Dedicating MTO Shahmaghsoudi Square In Reseda, Uplifting Tenant Protection Policy With Inquilinos Unidos 

III. Upcoming Events — Tom LaBonge Day Of Service, National Public Lands Day At Griffith Park, Silver Lake Reservoirs Conservancy Native Green Team Planting, Community School Parks Grand Opening, FOLAR River Clean-Up, Fall Concert In The Park

IV. Resources & Forums — Southwest Valley Community Plans Update Feedback Form, Hollywood Blvd Safety & Mobility Project Phase 2 Feedback Form, ExpandLA  Afterschool Programs, Ride Metro For Free On California Clean Air Day

V. Other Helpful Links 


We celebrated a momentous occasion in Council this month, welcoming our new Council President, Marqueece Harris-Dawson! 

With this change of the guard, we are ushering in a new era of leadership at City Hall, and I am looking forward to writing this next chapter of LA history alongside my colleague and friend Councilmember Harris-Dawson. 

I also want to express my gratitude to Council President Emeritus Paul Krekorian, whose incredible leadership navigated us through a time of great tumult in our city and whose tenure has left us stronger than ever. As spoken In the President Emeritus’s own words over the last two years – let us now go forth and serve the city well! 


Following the murder of George Floyd in 2020, the City Council committed to creating a city-wide unarmed crisis response system. But that process has moved forward slowly and in a piecemeal way, with a number of different pilots and programs starting across the city, but no single, citywide response. In 2022, I introduced a motion, along with Council President Harris Dawson, Councilmember Rodriguez, and former Councilmember Bonin, asking the City to develop a citywide transition plan to ensure *all* nonviolent calls related to homelessness and emergency crisis response were going to unarmed, civilian personnel. 

Last week in Council, we voted to expand one piece of this program to three more neighborhoods, to Olympic, West Valley, and West LA, meaning that more neighborhoods that lacked coverage from any program will now have it.

While this expansion is exciting, more work is required to really build a holistic citywide response. During his remarks when he took over the leadership of the Council, Council President Harris-Dawson stated that he was planning to create an Ad Hoc Committee on Unarmed Response. With his renewed focus on this issue, I am hopeful that we can make real progress in getting us toward this citywide goal. 


This week, Council took a major step to protect renters in the City of Los Angeles, voting to approve updated language to strengthen the Tenant Anti-Harassment Ordinance, or TAHO. TAHO was first passed in June of 2021, after widespread reports from tenants regarding harassment from landlords. 

However, since the Ordinance went into effect, we’ve faced real challenges in implementation. Over the past several months, out office sat down with tenants, lawyers, advocates, and community groups to better understand how the original ordinance failed to meet its goals around protecting tenants from harassment. Based on their feedback, especially from the Keep La Housed coalition, we introduced a number of substantive amendments – including things like clarifying exactly what harassment means, and ensuring that landlords would have to accept rental assistance payments that were being made by the city. 

One extremely important change we made was around compensatory damages – changing the language from tenants “may” receive compensatory damages to tenants “shall” receive compensatory damages. Why does that change matter? It means that lawyers will be more likely to take up these cases, because they are more likely to actually get paid for their work. Hopefully this means that the new version of the law will be used to actually file more cases.  

This week’s vote is an indication of how much renters matter to this Council. Now, the City Attorney is tasked with drafting the updated ordinance and sending it back to the full Council for a vote to make this stronger definition the law of the land. 


We were *fired* up to see over 200 of you join us at our Wildfire Safety Fair this month! 

Bringing together first responders, emergency preparedness professionals, and community leaders, our Wildfire Safety Fair provided a space for residents from near and far to spend an afternoon together sharing resources, information, and support regarding keeping our neighborhoods safe in an emergency. Attendees were able to participate in interactive safety demonstrations, develop evacuation plans, learn tips for home hardening, and have one-on-one conversations with our city’s safety experts. Children were also treated to hands-on activities with their local firefighters, and my twins Karna and Kaveri were particularly impressed by LADWP’s miniature model demonstrating proper safety around downed power lines! 

Most notably, the event emphasized the importance of community resilience and proactive planning. As participants built “go bags” together, they were able to build stronger connections with neighbors and friends, making sure neighborhood plans aligned and that we are all on the same page when it comes to staying safe and prepared in this era of unpredictable climate-driven natural disasters.  

Thank you to our dedicated partners at MySafe:LA and LAFD for their continued work in keeping us safe and informed year-round. I also want to thank LILA for hosting us and highlighting the importance of making sure the whole family is informed on fire safety!


Earlier this month, Los Angeles celebrated its first ever Climate Week – a weeklong opportunity to engage with climate organizations, policymakers, innovators, and more to exchange ideas and collaborate on climate change solutions. As part of this effort, I joined the Los Angeles Sierra Club to speak on a panel about building electrification and how we here in Los Angeles are paving the way for achieving zero-emission households and doing so in a way that is equitable for all Angelenos. 

My team and I take this call to action very seriously and have worked hard over the past three years to develop legislation that meaningfully reduces building emissions. In 2022, Council adopted our motion to drastically transform the physical infrastructure of our City, creating a regulatory framework for all new residential and commercial buildings in Los Angeles to be built so that they will achieve zero-carbon emissions as our electric grid becomes carbon-free. This became the law of the land last year, but we didn’t stop there! We have since introduced legislation to reduce the carbon footprint of building materials – a shockingly significant source of carbon emissions. 

My work on the South Coast Air Quality Management Board has also been tackling building electrification. Recently, we were able to pass the first rule in AQMD’s history to require commercial spaces – such as kitchens – use all zero-emission water heaters and boilers, which are a huge contributor to local pollution. This is a critical step, moving us toward a greener Los Angeles. 

It was a pleasure to engage in this *electric* conversation with my fellow panelists. Discussions like these are essential for keeping people engaged and inspired as we continue our collective work to address the climate crisis with the urgency it requires. Thank you to the Los Angeles Chapter of the Sierra Club for echoing this mission and uplifting the call for a cleaner, safer, and healthier future. 


Small businesses are the backbone of our economy and vital to the health of our local communities. However, accessing the resources necessary to get a new business off the ground can often prove difficult for lower-income communities and first-time entrepreneurs.

That’s why programs like the L.A. County Entrepreneurship Academy are so critically important in bridging the gap between our working communities and economic opportunities.

Earlier this month, I had the joy of celebrating the graduating class of the L.A. County Entrepreneurship Academy. The Academy is an 8-10 week workshop series produced in partnership with the L.A. County Department of Economic Development, the Office of County Supervisor Horvath, and ICON CDC— a community-based, not-for-profit organization serving the San Fernando Valley that has been creating jobs for low-income individuals and providing free services to small-business owners for over two decades. Together, these community partners have created a platform and a pathway to success and economic mobility for Angelenos looking to launch new businesses.

Since taking office, one of my priorities has been to champion policies that open doors for small businesses. For instance, we know that too often, city contracts — contracts that could provide vital and reliable revenue — are out of reach for small businesses, and even further out of reach for small businesses that are women and minority-owned. That’s why I introduced a motion to “right-size” city contracts, ensuring they are smaller in size and scope, so local businesses like yours have a fair shot at competing. We are creating a more equitable and inclusive economy — one that reflects the rich diversity of Los Angeles and ensures that our local businesses can grow and succeed, one city contract at a time.

Many of us arrived in Los Angeles with little more than our dreams and determination, and it is through entrepreneurship that we found our place, our voice, and our economic independence. 

Congratulations to the new graduates and we wish you all so much success in your new business ventures!


We always knew there was magic in Council District 4, but did you know that Walt and Roy Disney’s original studio was located right here in Los Feliz? At the corner of Kingswell and Vermont Ave sits a small studio where the two brothers came together in 1923 to begin some of the cartoon work that would change Hollywood – and the world – forever.

Earlier this month, in partnership with the Los Feliz Neighborhood Council, our office unveiled a new sign to officially rename this intersection as the “Disney Bros. Cartoon Studio Square”! Joined by community partners like the Los Feliz Improvement Association, The Los Feliz Business Improvement District, and Disney legends like Justin Arthur, Don Hahn, and Roy P Disney, we celebrated this joyful renaming and reflected on the long history of Disney magic in this area of Los Feliz. 

As we stood on the corner looking up at the place where the Disney brothers would begin to build what would become the biggest entertainment brand in the world, I was reminded about how my husband, Vali, would watch these cartoons with the same dream of making entertaining and impactful television. He moved to Los Angeles to make his dreams come true, and I am so proud that this city – and this neighborhood! – continues to provide the same opportunity for so many other artists, creators, families, and dreamers to leave their mark on the world. 

Thank you to everyone who joined us, the LFIA and LFNC for their advocacy, and Don, Roy, and Justin for continuing to share the Disney magic with us!


This past weekend, in partnership with Councilmember Blumenfield and the Office of Mayor Bass, we proudly presented the MTO Shahmaghsoudi School of Islamic Sufism in Reseda with an official square dedication at the intersection of Sherman Way and Hesperia Avenue. 

For over four decades, the MTO Shahmaghsoudi School of Islamic Sufism has served as a valued nonprofit organization and community resource, here in Los Angeles. Anytime we have had a need in this City – whether for hygiene kits for people experiencing homelessness or for turkeys for families in need on Thanksgiving – MTO has answered the call. They have donated and distributed well over 110,000 pounds of food items, distributed countless backpacks and school supplies, and are the City’s official partner in making Inside Safe care kits.

MTO Shahmaghsoudi is a true sanctuary, from its beautiful architecture and gardens, to the love that radiates out from its community. Rooted in the school of Sufism, which dates back 1400 years, MTO Shahmaghsoudi has turned its religious practice outwards, focusing on giving to others. You can see this in the personal touch that goes into each care kit and the respect that is given to every one who walks through MTO’s doors, no matter their faith, background, or circumstances. 

After my district was re-shaped in 2021, I was lucky enough to welcome MTO Shahmaghsoudi to Council District 4. They are an organization that does so much for Los Angeles and I was proud to recognize their work with a resolution in Council to rename this area “MTO Shahmaghsoudi Square.” I know it brings us all great joy that everyone driving, walking, or scooting by, can now see just how much you mean to the community! 

Thank you to everyone who made this weekend’s ceremony possible, including the incomparable Behrooz Afrakhan, Payam Ayazi, and everyone at MTO Shahmaghsoudi, Councilmember Blumenfield, Deputy Mayor Jared Rivera, Board of Public Works Commissioner Vahid Khorsand, our former colleague Ryan Ahari, and my Field Deputy Ricky Angel. 


Did you know that the majority of people who live in this City rent their homes? It’s why protecting renters has always been a cornerstone of my work on the council and why my office goes above and beyond to keep renters safe and in their homes. 

This past weekend, I was honored to have that work recognized by Inquilinos Unidos, accepting their 2024 “Housing Campion” award. Inquilinos Unidos is an organization dedicated to empowering low-income tenants through community organizing, education, and advocacy to fight for safe, decent, and affordable housing. Their name translates to “tenants united,” embodying their vision of a tenant-led movement that results in stable, strong, safe, green and healthy communities and neighborhoods.

My office has been working closely with Inquilinos Unidos and other advocate groups to translate these goals into tangible policy. As you may have read above, we saw this on display just this week when the City Council adopted new language to strengthen the Tenant Anti-Harassment Ordinance!

I want to thank this wonderful organization for recognizing my office’s work and look forward to continuing our partnership to push for better policy here in the City of Los Angeles.


Join the LaBonge family, L.A. Civil Rights, and Council District 10 for a morning of street clean-up in honor of former Council Member Tom LaBonge

Parking is available at the event location: 1819 S. Western Ave, Los Angeles 90006. Entry from Western Ave or Manhattan Place.

We will be picking up small trash items along in the vicinity of Pico Blvd. Water fill-up and snacks will be provided but please bring a reusable water bottle and wear comfortable shoes and clothes.

Make sure to register ahead of time!

  • DATE: Saturday, September 28
  • TIME: 8:30AM – 12:30PM
  • LOCATION: 1819 S Western Ave, Los Angeles 90006


On Saturday, September 28th from 8:30 to 11:00 a.m., we are celebrating National Public Lands Day by removing Castor Bean (Ricinus communis) and Indian Tobacco (Lobelia inflata) from the trail near the Tregnan Golf Academy.  

After brief remarks about the project, we will all hike up the Cadman Trail next to the Golf Academy and divide into small groups to tackle the invasive plants! The invasive plants will be cut down, and the seed pods carefully cut off and bagged up. The plants themselves will be hauled off by the Maintenance Division of the City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks. The area of focus is several acres!

We strongly recommend that everyone wear closed-toed shoes or boots, long pants, a hat, and sunscreen. We will supply work gloves and water, but if volunteers have their own gloves and water container, they should bring them. We have a limited amount of pruning tools. If you have gardening pruning tools such as hand pruners, loppers, tree limb saws, bow saws, and or pole pruners, please bring them with you.

Click HERE for more information and to register! 

  • DATE: Saturday, September 28
  • TIME: 8:30AM – 11:00AM
  • LOCATION: 4400 Crystal Springs Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90027
  • PARKING: You may park in the Train/Pony Rides Parking Lot and then walk across the street to the picnic table where we will have a Welcome Table set-up. 


Join the Silver Lake Reservoirs Conservancy (SLRC) Native Green Team on Saturday, September 28 from 9am to noon to help prep the gardens for the planting season! We’ll be weeding, watering, and mulching on the Armstrong slope and the Silver Lake Meadow. Bring your water bottle, hat and work gloves and we’ll provide the rest. Meet at the north end of the meadow near Armstrong Ave. and Silver Lake Blvd. Hope to see you there!

  • DATE: Saturday, September 28
  • TIME: 9AM – 12PM
  • LOCATION: North end of the meadow near Armstrong Ave. and Silver Lake Blvd


In 2023, the City Council adopted my motion to revitalize the City’s Community School Parks program, which expands park space for communities in need by opening school facilities like playgrounds, sports fields, and basketball courts to the general public during non-school hours. Ten Community School Parks have since been opened across the city, with the newest location at Garden Grove Elementary School in Reseda set to open in October.

My office, in partnership with LAUSD Board Member Nick Melvoin, and the Department of Recreation and Parks invite you to join us to celebrate the grand opening of ten Community School Parks across the city at Garden Grove Elementary School on Saturday, October 5 at 11am. The event will feature activities for kids, including arts and crafts, games, sports, and face painting, as well as free tacos and paletas while supplies last. 

Click HERE to register! 

  • DATE: Saturday, October 5
  • TIME: 11AM – 2PM
  • LOCATION: Garden Grove Elementary School, 18141 Valerio St., Reseda, CA 91335


The largest urban river cleanup in the country is back! 

Over the last 34 years, volunteers like you have collectively prevented over 1.6 million pounds of debris from harming local habitat or flowing out into the Pacific Ocean and on October 5th, we’re putting on our gloves, grabbing our trash bags and getting back to work. 

  • DATE: Saturday, October 5
  • TIME: 11AM – 2PM
  • LOCATION: Find a location near you HERE!


*FALL* into the season with us at our upcoming Fall Concert In The Park! We’re partnering with the Valley Cultural Foundation once again to host a FREE concert at the Van Nuys Sherman Oaks Rec Center on Sunday, October 13th from 3 – 7:30pm. 

The event will feature the Taylor Swift tribute band Blank Space and Bruno Mars tribute band Locked Out Of Heaven, as well as a dedicated kids’ area complete with pumpkin painting, games, food trucks, community booths, and more! The event is FREE and open to the public. 

Bring your picnic blanket, and come ready to dance and sing along! Click HERE to register! 

  • DATE: October 13, 2024
  • TIME: 3PM – 7:30PM
  • LOCATION: Van Nuys Sherman Oaks Recreation Center
    14201 Huston St. Sherman Oaks, CA 91423


Since early April, the Southwest Valley Community Plans Update (SWV CPU) team has been gathering feedback on the recently released draft Land Use chapter of the Policy Plan, draft Interactive Zoning Map, and updated draft General Plan Land Use Designation Map for the three Southwest Valley Community Plan Areas. 

The team has attended local community events and presented to stakeholder groups, such as Neighborhood Council Land Use Committees. The presentations focused on sharing the policy direction and describing the draft zoning proposals. Please see here for presentation and outreach materials shared over the course of this time.  

The Department looks forward to continuing to meet with stakeholder groups and attend local events. If you would like to invite the Plan Update team to your group or event, please reach out at

Any questions or feedback can be sent to the project team at or through this online Feedback Form.

Please visit our recently updated project website to review the draft proposals and sign-up to receive updates by email about upcoming events.


Earlier this summer, we celebrated the completion of Phase 1 of the Hollywood Blvd Safety & Mobility Project, adding 2.1 miles of parking-protected bike lanes on Hollywood Boulevard between Gower Street and Hillhurst. This intervention is going to help calm traffic, allow us to share space between people biking, rolling, walking, and driving, and ensure that this iconic corridor serves every single one of its users better. 

LADOT will soon begin Phase 2 of this project, which will address the stretch of Hollywood Blvd from Gower St to Lyman Pl. The proposed design calls for converting a travel lane in each direction into a parking-protected bike lane between Lyman Pl and Van Ness Ave, and replacing parking with a protected bike lane between Van Ness Ave and Gower St. 

LADOT is now in the process of refining this design based on further analysis and community feedback. To share your comments about the project, please out the community feedback form HERE!


ExpandLA is an intermediary organization that supports, connects, and advocates for expanded learning opportunities that provide equitable access for all children and youth in the LA area. 

Click HERE to discover programs near you! 


Help us make everyday clean air day! Ride Metro for free on California Clean Air Day, October 2, 2024, and help reduce pollution and traffic. Whether you take the bus, rail, Metro Micro or ride a bike, you’ll be doing your part and making a difference as we all strive for a healthier California. Take the pledge and make Clean Air Day the start of a new habit. 

We look forward to welcoming you aboard fare-free on October 2nd on Metro bus, rail, bike and Metro Micro. Use promo code 100224 on Bike Share or CleanAir24 on Metro Micro to ride for free. 

Our Office:

Services + Resources

  • Food Pantry Locator — Get connected to food resources near you. 
  • StayHoused LA — Workshops and resources to help renters stay in their homes. 
  • MyLA311 — Submit a request for services including graffiti removal, pothole repair, and bulky-item pickup.
  • LA-HOP Homeless Outreach Portal — Assist or self-input an outreach request from the LA Homeless Services Authority to unhoused residents.
  • LA City Sanitation — Submit a service request for metal/household appliance disposal.
  • MyChildCarePlan — Free resource website for childcare providers and families listing every licensed provider in California.
  • Adopt or Foster A Shelter Pet— Find pets for adoption and a list of local shelters.
  • Gas Assistance Fund – The Gas Assistance Fund (GAF) offers a one-time grant to help customers pay their natural gas bills.
  • Ready Your LA Business Workbook – City of LA’s FREE workbook to help business owners prepare their business for any emergency. Available in English and Spanish.


  • NotifyLA — Sign up to receive urgent notifications about local emergencies by phone, email, and/or text message. 
  • LAFD Alerts – Sign up for alerts on fires and evacuations in your area.
  • LADWP Outage Info — Sign up for outage alerts in your area.
  • StreetsLA Street Sweeping — Register for notifications about sweeping in your neighborhoods.