DISTRICT 4 Newsletters
Blizzard warning: here’s how to stay informed and take action in case of emergency | 2/24/23
Dear Friends, The National Weather Service has issued a rare blizzard warning for Los Angeles, last seen over thirty years ago in February 1989. The powerful winter storm is expected to bring snow to elevations as low as 1,500 feet and up to 2-4 inches of rainfall in the valley/metro areas and 4-6 inches in the foothills. I know that our hillside communities here in CD4 and throughout the city are especially vulnerable to the impacts of severe rainstorms, with effects including extreme erosion, mudslides, and road degradation. City departments are on high alert and repair crews are standing by, ready to respond to damage done to roads and power lines. To help City of Los Angeles residents prepare for rainstorm needs, the Los Angeles Fire Department is also providing free ready-to-fill sandbags at all Neighborhood Fire Stations. To find your local station, click here. As the storms persist I want to remind you of a few ways you can stay safe and informed:
Please remember, if you spot a dangerous storm impact such as intense flooding, debris flow, or downed power lines, call or text 911 to report an emergency. To request any non-emergency City services and to report any storm related damage, including blocked storm water drains, please call 311. You can also download the myLA311 app to easily create a service ticket from your phone. The County has also brought its weather-activated shelter program online to provide individuals experiencing homeless a safe and supportive short-term shelter during severely inclement weather. This program operates to protect individuals from rain and cold weather to avoid conditions such as hypothermia, pneumonia, and other conditions caused by cold temperatures. If you are in need of these services, you can call 1-800-548-6047 to request transportation to the closest motel location.
And, as always, you can connect with us! CD4 residents can call us at (213) 473-7004 and stay updated on social media @cd4losangeles (Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook). Stay dry and stay safe! Warmly,
Our Office: